
This website was created using the Hubzilla Fediverse Server and the Neuhub Community Suite. You can add Neuhub to your Hubzilla installation to access additional themes, addons, and widgets. It is fully customizable.

The Project and Community

About the Neuhub Community Suite

The Neuhub Community Suite, which consists of Themes, Addons, and Widgets for the Hubzilla Fediverse Server, is created by Federated Works.

Neuhub's main focus is to provide software that allows people to control their social media presence, build & participate in communities, and to empower people socially and economically.

About Federated Works

Our goal is to provide software and support for decentralized social media, the social web, and the indie web. We want to empower individuals, content creators, small businesses, and independent publishers by providing federated tools for communications, privacy, and e-commerce.

We also want to encourage collaboration between developers, platforms, and communities, especially in regards to the fediverse and social web.

The Philosophy

Decentralization Practiced

One of the main concepts surrounding the fediverse, social web, and decentralized social media is the concept of decentralization. Put simply, that means that there is no central authority telling you what to do, and people collaborate and cooperate to create something greater that we all can enjoy.

From a practical standpoint, it means people can run their own fediverse servers, and people can start their own fediverse projects. It also means that people can choose which providers or communities they want to join.

But we take it one step further. We decentralized not just the Hubzilla software, but also decentralized its administration. Instead of having one unifying organization that handles all things that are Hubzilla, we have three: the Hubzilla Project, The Hubzilla Association, and our organization Federated Works.

Instead of competing, we cooperate. Instead of fighting over the direction of the project, we build software that works together and let people choose what they want to use.

For example, you can use Hubzilla with or without any of our Neuhub themes, addons, or widgets. You can even make your own themes, addons, and widgets. And since our code is open source, you can even borrow code or fork our themes, addons, and widgets.

It's all about giving people a choice. It is also about showing people that you don't need a centralized organization to create something awesome. You can create something awesome by collaborating and creating software that can interact with other projects.

What You Can Create

Using Hubzilla and Neuhub

Hubzilla with Neuhub is a flexible platform that allows you to create a customized website and decentralized social media presence. Some of the things you can create include:

Personal Social Presence

  • Single User Instance
  • Family & Friends Hub


  • Public Forums
  • Private Discussion Groups

Custom Solutions

  • Membership Websites
  • Content Websites
  • Custom Apps

You can use Hubzilla with Neuhub to build websites and social media presences for:

  • Individuals
  • Small Businesses
  • Non-Profits
  • Freelancers
  • Creators & Artists